A Day In The Life

An attempt at Comic by Chucky and Dimski

Tickets Please


So a couple of weeks ago me and my wife went to see 'Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire' movie.

We came to the theatre at around 12 o'clock, but they were already selling the 7 o'clock tickets by then.. all screening prior to that is sold-out.

And they were playing the movie on 2 theatres that day.


Oh yeah, a little note about this comic.. those are three different booth/window tough the boothgirl looks the same. :p


Iya niy... ama yg di 'complain dept.' juga sama mba2nya (cloning?:p)
Malah tadinya gw kira charactersnya expressionless, ampe akhirnya gw liat 'loud child'... Nah itu dia!(made me wish i could draw so i can envision my thoughts too *sniff*)
Skrg koq malah generalisasi of ladies behind the counter. Just because they happen to have similar jobs, doesn't mean they are not special on their own khan? We can be smart, fun, beautiful and sexy too, ya know? (lha, lha, personal resentment koq kebawa2?)
kekek... just a thought from a faithful subscriber (but thank god it's free hehehe)
C'mon Guys! Jia Yo! We Want More! *pake pom-pom*
hai..just drooping by,visit mine sometime yah..
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